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Recollections of the First Kankurang Festival in 1946/7 by the Late Hon Foday Jibani Manka

Muhammed MK Saidykhan

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

The Inaugural Kankurang Festival Took Place in 1946

In October 2013, during an interview with Hon. Foday Jibani Manka, it was revealed that every year, the island settlement holds a cultural festival in the form of three-month initiation rites. Over 100 boys and girls are circumcised and kept in a hideout for months. The first cultural festival I witnessed was in 1998 when I was barely 7 years old. However, it is important to note that the island’s cultural festival was first held in 1946 and has been held every five years since.

As part of efforts to promote, develop, and preserve this rich and cherished, though fading, traditional cultural practice, I caught up with the late Honourable Foday Manka, National Assembly Member (NAM) for Janjanbureh, during my visit to Janjanbureh in October 2013. Honourable Manka was, by all measures, a repository of our traditional cultural norms and values.

The Importance of the Community in Traditional Gambian Society

The Honourable National Assembly Member observed that in traditional Gambian society, the community is given more prominence than individual interests. It is obligatory for individuals to respect and participate in almost all community activities, failure of which is typically punishable by exclusion, often leading to severe and untold consequences for the individual and their immediate associates in the community. Thus, individuals are compelled to conform to the community’s norms and values. Circumcision is seen as a must for everyone, irrespective of gender, before being qualified for entry into adulthood.

The word “Solima” in traditional Mandinka cultural terms refers to someone who has not experienced the world of circumcision. According to Mr. Manka, circumcision ceremonies in Janjanbureh were usually determined by a good harvest and the number of people available to undergo the ritual initiation, followed by consensus and mutual agreement from community members to stage the event.

Largest and Most Famous Circumcision Rite Held in 1946/47

He revealed that the 1946/47 traditional circumcision rite was the largest and most famous one ever held in Janjanbureh. It attracted more than 100 initiates, aged between 13 and 19, drawn from Janjanbureh and its satellite villages. He discussed the circumstances surrounding the organisation of the ritual circumcision, especially the night before the circumcision day, which was characterised by high-profile parties, the reassembling of the initiates in the home of their “Karambas,” among other activities throughout the event.

The Janjanbureh National Assembly Member (NAM) spoke at length about circumcision from a traditional cultural perspective, touching on different traditional cultural terms such as Jujuwo, Nyansinbondoo, Kintagolu, Kangurang, and Tamba Dokoo.

The Authority of the Kankurang

One significant and interesting feature of the entire period is the “Kankurang” (masquerade). According to a definition given by the late Hon. Foday Manka in his book on traditional cultural norms and values, the word Kankurang refers to a mask worn by individuals during ritual ceremonies. This mask is said to conceal the wearer’s identity, establishing that no ordinary man has the right to judge others. Therefore, the mask, which disguises the human form, is believed to have the authority to act in the name and place of spirits. The non-human form of the masquerade has become the most important traditional cultural practice retained by the community.

Everyday Routines at the Tinyansita

During the festive period, initiates are taken out every day for schooling, where elders teach them the norms, values, and beliefs of society at a sacred place called “Tinyansita.” This place is on the eastern side of the town; “Tinyan” means “Rest,” and “Sita” means a Baobab Tree. The Kankurang is the main character throughout the entire period. It usually comes out at night, rarely during the daytime, but when the initiates begin complaining about supernatural powers (witches and wizards) attacking them—because it is believed that the initiates are normally attacked by these beings—the Kankurang serves as the protector.

Separation from Mothers

Throughout this period, the initiates would not bathe, nor would they see their mothers, as women are forbidden to set eyes on male initiates. It is an intense period of transition into adulthood. During this time, traditional songs are learned, and values are taught.

Preparation for Big Celebrations

After months in the hideout, the big day is set for the grand party. Before this, the initiates are first taken to a place called “Birikiba,” meaning “Big Bricks,” where they are bathed, their clothes are washed, and they rest for a while before being escorted back to the hideout. On this day, celebrants from all walks of life gather to usher the brave boys and girls from Birikiba to the hideout. Drums and Kankurangs make this day special. The initiates are first taken to the chief’s residence for his blessing, which is done less than two weeks before the big ceremony.

Last day

On the last day of the three months in the hideout, the initiates are taken to Birikiba for the final washing. At Birikiba, traditional and farewell songs are sung. After they are cleaned, a message is sent to the elders to lead the women, drums, and Kankurangs to welcome the newly ordained adults into society.

After the welcoming gestures, the initiates are taken to Tinyansita for the final rites. While the rituals are ongoing, women converge at one spot, commonly the eldest woman’s home, for cooking and other activities, while men are busy decorating the ground for the evening’s show. Middlemen are also busy masking their various Kankurangs.

At around 2 pm, after lunch is served, the ground is set for the big day. Onlookers, natives, and guests all make their way to Tinyansita for the cultural festival to see their sons and daughters for the first time after three months.


By Muhammad L. Saidykhan


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